Frequently Asked Question

Are you handsome?


How does all of this work?

There are two modes: Guess and Daily.

Guess is the classic mode where you get a random location and goes on forever.
Daily is a mode where you get 5 new locations every day and can compete against others

Play with friends

Both modes have a real time cooperation capabilities. It works by having a session id in the url. If you share the url with someone else, you will be in the same session.

Play against friends

Daily mode has a extra feature where you can compete against your friends. A group is automatically created when you start a new daily session. You can share the group id with your friends and they can join the group. You can then see how you are doing against each other.


I created some diagrams early on to somewhat explain how the whole thing works. It might or might not make sense.

Guess mode

Daily mode

Is this an original idea?

No. Pointguessr is greatly inspired by Timeguessr. This is somewhat a clone, but was not meant to be finished or released. The motivation was to create a similar game more focused on cooperation and team play while exploring the Elixir/OTP ecosystem and Phoenix framework.

I have feedback or want to ask questions

You can use the github-repo and create an issue or an discussion

How do you calculate the scoring?

You can toy around with the scoring parameters here: Pointguessr Score Tuner . I would love feedback on the scoring parameters, I just winged it.
This is the scoring code:

defmodule Pointguessr.Score do
  @year_decay 20
  @distance_decay 969
  @base_score 5000

  @doc """
  Calculate the score for a given distance and year difference.

  ## Parameters
    * `:distance` - The distance in meters
    * `:year` - The difference in years

  def calculate(:year, year_difference) do
    calculate(:year, year_difference, @year_decay)

  def calculate(:distance, distance) do
    calculate(:distance, distance, @distance_decay)

  def calculate(:distance, distance, decay_factor) do
    # From meters to kilometers
    distance = distance / 1000
    (@base_score * :math.exp(-distance / decay_factor)) |> max(0) |> round()

  def calculate(:year, year_difference, decay_factor) do
    year_difference = abs(year_difference)
    max_difference = 50

    if year_difference <= max_difference do
      (@base_score * :math.exp(-year_difference / decay_factor)) |> round()